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Atomicwork terminology

  • Collaborator: Collaborators are teammates who need visibility into a journey, like a hiring manager during a new hire’s onboarding journey.
  • Incidents: Incidents are unexpected disruptions or malfunctions in IT services, encompassing issues such as software crashes, hardware failures, or connectivity problems. The AI Assistant has been trained to identify and raise issues as incidents. 
  • Journeys: Journeys help HR, IT, and other internal teams organise tasks, communications, and automated actions around key employee moments and projects like onboarding, offboarding, promotions, learning, or training.

  • Journeys - Actions: A journey action can be a task for an employee, a teammate, or Atomicwork to execute. For example, actions can be:

    • Sending a Slack DM at a specified time

    • Creating an Okta user

    • Deleting an Azure user

    • Sending a form

    • Assigning a task to the employee going through the journey

  • Journeys - Configuration view: Journey creators have a lot of flexibility to add and configure actions when they’re setting up a journey. This is what we refer to as the configuration view.
  • Journeys - Live view: When a journey is assigned to an employee, they can only see the actions that need their input and work. This is what we refer to as the live view.
  • Organisation admin: An organisation admin is an admin with access to manage users across an Atomicwork account. Users will still need to be added to workspaces to gain access to a workspace.
  • Placeholders: Placeholders are temporary markers used in tasks, emails, Slack messages, and other content to indicate where specific personal information or values will be inserted later. For example, if you use in an email in a journey and assign it to Mandy Smith, Atomicwork will insert Mandy Smith in the email.

  • Requests: Requests are submitted by users to report issues, seek assistance, or request information through the AI Assistant or email. Requests can also include incidents and service requests.

  • Stages: A journey can have multiple stages of actions. You can use stages to organise actions for clarity. For example, an onboarding journey would have a pre-boarding stage, a day 1 stage, a 30 days later stage, etc.
  • Workflows: Workflows are predefined sequences of triggers, conditions, and events that outline the steps and order required to complete a specific process or project efficiently and effectively. In Atomicwork, you can configure workflows to act on requests.

  • Workspace agent: A workspace agent is an employee who works on and resolves requests made by other employees.

  • Workspace admin: A workspace admin is an employee who has access to the workspace’s request fields, topics, and channel settings. Workspace permissions have to be granted separately from organisation permissions. For example, even if Mandy Smith is an organisation admin, she has to be added to a workspace to view workspace settings.